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norm_matrixT_norm_matrixNormMatrixNormMatrix (Operator)


norm_matrixT_norm_matrixNormMatrixNormMatrix — Norm of a matrix.


norm_matrix( : : MatrixID, NormType : Value)

Herror T_norm_matrix(const Htuple MatrixID, const Htuple NormType, Htuple* Value)

void NormMatrix(const HTuple& MatrixID, const HTuple& NormType, HTuple* Value)

double HMatrix::NormMatrix(const HString& NormType) const

double HMatrix::NormMatrix(const char* NormType) const

static void HOperatorSet.NormMatrix(HTuple matrixID, HTuple normType, out HTuple value)

double HMatrix.NormMatrix(string normType)


The operator norm_matrixnorm_matrixNormMatrixNormMatrixNormMatrix computes the norm of the elements of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix defined by the matrix handle MatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDmatrixID. The return value is a floating point number.

The type of norming of the matrix can be selected via the parameter NormTypeNormTypeNormTypeNormTypenormType:


The Frobenius norm is computed. The formula for the calculation of the result is:

with m = number of rows and n = number of columns of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix.



The infinity norm is computed. The result is the largest value of the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the rows. The formula for the calculation is:

with m = number of rows and n = number of columns of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix.



The 1-norm is computed. The result is the largest value of the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the columns. The formula for the calculation is:

with m = number of rows and n = number of columns of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix.



The 2-norm is computed. The result is the largest singular value of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix. The formula for the calculation of the result is:

   Value = max (singular values (Matrix))



Execution Information


MatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDmatrixID (input_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHtuple (handle) (IntPtr) (HHandle) (handle)

Matrix handle of the input matrix.

NormTypeNormTypeNormTypeNormTypenormType (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Type of norm.

Default value: '2-norm' "2-norm" "2-norm" "2-norm" "2-norm"

List of values: '1-norm'"1-norm""1-norm""1-norm""1-norm", '2-norm'"2-norm""2-norm""2-norm""2-norm", 'frobenius-norm'"frobenius-norm""frobenius-norm""frobenius-norm""frobenius-norm", 'infinity-norm'"infinity-norm""infinity-norm""infinity-norm""infinity-norm"

ValueValueValueValuevalue (output_control)  real HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Norm of the input matrix.


If the parameters are valid, the operator norm_matrixnorm_matrixNormMatrixNormMatrixNormMatrix returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


See also

sum_matrixsum_matrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSumMatrix, mean_matrixmean_matrixMeanMatrixMeanMatrixMeanMatrix


David Poole: “Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction”; Thomson; Belmont; 2006.
Gene H. Golub, Charles F. van Loan: “Matrix Computations”; The Johns Hopkins University Press; Baltimore and London; 1996.



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