Operators |
set_spy — Control of the HALCON Debugging Tools.
The operator set_spy is the HALCON debugging tool. This tool allows the flexible control of the input and output data of HALCON-operators - in graphical as well as in textual form. The datacontrol is activated by using
set_spy(::'mode','on':) ,
and deactivated by using
set_spy(::'mode','off':) .
The debugging tool can further be activated with the help of the environment variable HALCONSPY. The definition of this variable corresponds to calling up 'mode' and 'on' .
The following control modes can be tuned (in any desired combination of course) with the help of Class/Value:
Class Meaning / Value
When a routine is called, its name and the names of its parameters will be given (in TRIAS notation).
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
When a routine is called, the names and values of the input control parameters will be given.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
When a routine is called, the names and values of the output control parameters are given.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
Additional information on 'input_control' and 'output_control': indicates how many values per parameter shall be displayed at most (maximum tuplet length of the output).
Value: tuplet length (integer)
default: 4
Information concerning the 4 relations in the HALCON-database. This is especially valuable in looking for forgotten clear_obj.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
Any reading access of the gray-value component of an (input) image object will cause the gray-value component to be shown in the indicated window (Window-ID; 'none' will deactivate this control ).
Value: Window-ID (integer) or 'none'
default: 'none'
Any reading access of the region of an (input) iconic object will cause this region to be shown in the indicated (Window-ID; 'none' will deactivate this control ).
Value: Window-ID (integer) or 'none'
default: 'none'
Any reading access of the xld will cause this xld to be shown in the indicated (Window-ID; 'none' will deactivate this control ).
Value: Window-ID (integer) or 'none'
default: 'none'
Processing time of the operator
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
Determines whether there is a halt after every individual action ('multiple') or only at the end of each operator ('single'). The parameter is only effective if the halt has been activated by 'timeout' or 'button_window'.
Value: 'single' or 'multiple'
default: 'multiple'
After every output there will be a halt of the indicated number of seconds.
Value: seconds (real)
default 0.0
Alternative to 'timeout': after every output spy waits until the cursor indicates ('button_click' = 'off') or clicks into ('button_click' = 'on') the indicated window. (Window-ID; 'none' will deactivate this control ).
Value: Window-ID (integer) or 'none'
default: 'none'
Additional option for 'button_window': determines whether or not a mouse-click has to be waited for after an output.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
If 'button_notify' is activated, spy generates a beep after every output. This is useful in combination with 'button_window'.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
Spy can hereby divert the text output into a file having been opened with open_file.
Value: a file handle (see open_file)
If 'error' is activated and an internal error occurs, spy will show the internal procedures (file/line) concerned.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
If 'internal' is activated, spy will display the internal procedures and their parameters (file/line) while an HALCON-operator is processed.
Value: 'on' or 'off'
default: 'off'
HALCON Spy cannot be used to debug multithreaded programs or programs using the automatic parallelization.
Note that under Windows HALCON Spy does only work in combination with a console application, i.e., you can not use it together with HDevelop.
Control mode
Default value: 'mode'
List of values: 'button_click' , 'button_notify' , 'button_window' , 'db' , 'error' , 'halt' , 'input_control' , 'input_gray_window' , 'input_region_window' , 'input_region_window' , 'input_xld_window' , 'internal' , 'log_file' , 'mode' , 'operator' , 'output_control' , 'parameter_values' , 'time' , 'timeout'
State of the control mode to be set.
Default value: 'on'
Suggested values: 'on' , 'off' , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 50, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0
/* init spy: Setting of the wished control modi */ set_spy("mode","on"); set_spy("operator","on"); set_spy("input_control","on"); set_spy("output_control","on"); /* calling of program section, that will be examined */ set_spy("mode","off");
The operator set_spy returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if the parameters are correct. Otherwise an exception is raised.
Operators |