sim_caltabT_sim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltab — Simulate an image with calibration plate.
void SimCaltab(HObject* SimImage, const HTuple& CalPlateDescr, const HTuple& CameraParam, const HTuple& CalPlatePose, const HTuple& GrayBackground, const HTuple& GrayPlate, const HTuple& GrayMarks, const HTuple& ScaleFac)
void HImage::SimCaltab(const HString& CalPlateDescr, const HCamPar& CameraParam, const HPose& CalPlatePose, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac)
void HImage::SimCaltab(const char* CalPlateDescr, const HCamPar& CameraParam, const HPose& CalPlatePose, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac)
HImage HCamPar::SimCaltab(const HString& CalPlateDescr, const HPose& CalPlatePose, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac) const
HImage HCamPar::SimCaltab(const char* CalPlateDescr, const HPose& CalPlatePose, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac) const
HImage HPose::SimCaltab(const HString& CalPlateDescr, const HCamPar& CameraParam, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac) const
HImage HPose::SimCaltab(const char* CalPlateDescr, const HCamPar& CameraParam, Hlong GrayBackground, Hlong GrayPlate, Hlong GrayMarks, double ScaleFac) const
static void HOperatorSet.SimCaltab(out HObject simImage, HTuple calPlateDescr, HTuple cameraParam, HTuple calPlatePose, HTuple grayBackground, HTuple grayPlate, HTuple grayMarks, HTuple scaleFac)
void HImage.SimCaltab(string calPlateDescr, HCamPar cameraParam, HPose calPlatePose, int grayBackground, int grayPlate, int grayMarks, double scaleFac)
HImage HCamPar.SimCaltab(string calPlateDescr, HPose calPlatePose, int grayBackground, int grayPlate, int grayMarks, double scaleFac)
HImage HPose.SimCaltab(string calPlateDescr, HCamPar cameraParam, int grayBackground, int grayPlate, int grayMarks, double scaleFac)
sim_caltabsim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltabSimCaltab is used to generate a simulated calibration
image. The calibration plate description is read from the file
CalPlateDescrCalPlateDescrCalPlateDescrCalPlateDescrcalPlateDescr and will be projected into the image plane
using the given camera parameters (internal camera parameters
CameraParamCameraParamCameraParamCameraParamcameraParam and external camera parameters
CalPlatePoseCalPlatePoseCalPlatePoseCalPlatePosecalPlatePose), see also project_3d_pointproject_3d_pointProject3dPointProject3dPointProject3dPoint.
In the simulated image only the calibration plate is shown. The
image background is set to the gray value GrayBackgroundGrayBackgroundGrayBackgroundGrayBackgroundgrayBackground,
the calibration plate background is set to GrayPlateGrayPlateGrayPlateGrayPlategrayPlate, and
the calibration marks are set to the gray value GrayMarksGrayMarksGrayMarksGrayMarksgrayMarks.
The parameter ScaleFacScaleFacScaleFacScaleFacscaleFac influences the number of supporting
points to approximate the elliptic contours of the calibration
marks, see also disp_caltabdisp_caltabDispCaltabDispCaltabDispCaltab. Increasing the number of
supporting points causes a more accurate determination of the mark
boundary, but increases the computation time, too. For each pixel
of the simulated image which touches a subpixel-boundary of this
kind, the gray value is set linearly between GrayMarksGrayMarksGrayMarksGrayMarksgrayMarks and
GrayPlateGrayPlateGrayPlateGrayPlategrayPlate dependent on the proportion Inside/Outside.
By applying the operator sim_caltabsim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltabSimCaltab you can generate
synthetic calibration images (with known camera parameters!) to test
the quality of the calibration algorithm (see
calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras, or camera_calibrationcamera_calibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibration).
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Automatically parallelized on internal data level.
Simulated calibration image.
File name of the calibration plate description.
Default value:
List of values: 'calplate.cpd'"calplate.cpd""calplate.cpd""calplate.cpd""calplate.cpd", 'calplate_20mm.cpd'"calplate_20mm.cpd""calplate_20mm.cpd""calplate_20mm.cpd""calplate_20mm.cpd", 'calplate_40mm.cpd'"calplate_40mm.cpd""calplate_40mm.cpd""calplate_40mm.cpd""calplate_40mm.cpd", 'calplate_80mm.cpd'"calplate_80mm.cpd""calplate_80mm.cpd""calplate_80mm.cpd""calplate_80mm.cpd", 'caltab.descr'"caltab.descr""caltab.descr""caltab.descr""caltab.descr", 'caltab_160mm.cpd'"caltab_160mm.cpd""caltab_160mm.cpd""caltab_160mm.cpd""caltab_160mm.cpd"
File extension: .cpd, .descr
Internal camera parameters.
External camera parameters (3D pose of the calibration
plate in camera coordinates).
Number of elements: 7
Gray value of image background.
Default value: 128
Suggested values: 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160
Restriction: 0 <= GrayBackground <= 255
Gray value of calibration plate.
Default value: 80
Suggested values: 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240
Restriction: 0 <= GrayPlate <= 255
Gray value of calibration marks.
Default value: 224
Suggested values: 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112
Restriction: 0 <= GrayMarks <= 255
Scaling factor to reduce oversampling.
Default value: 1.0
Suggested values: 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125
Recommended increment: 0.05
Restriction: 1.0 >= ScaleFac
* Read calibration image.
read_image(Image1, 'calib-01')
* Find calibration pattern.
CameraType := 'area_scan_division'
StartCamPar := [CameraType, Focus, Kappa, Sx, Sy, Cx, Cy, \
ImageWidth, ImageHeight]
create_calib_data ('calibration_object', 1, 1, CalibDataID)
set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], StartCamPar)
set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibDataID, 0, 'calplate.cpd')
find_caltab(Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab.descr', 3, 112, 5)
* Find calibration marks and initial pose.
find_calib_object (Image1, CalibDataID, 0, 0, 0, [], [])
* Camera calibration.
calibrate_cameras (CalibDataID, Error)
* Simulate calibration image.
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'calib_obj_pose', [0, 0], 'pose', FinalPose)
get_calib_data (CalibDataID, 'camera', 0, 'params', CameraParam)
sim_caltab(Image1Sim, 'calplate.cpd', CameraParam, FinalPose, 128, \
80, 224, 1)
sim_caltabsim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltabSimCaltab returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter values are
correct. If necessary, an exception is raised.