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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW 8.2.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.2.1英文专业版下载

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    NI LabVIEW 8.2.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.2.1英文专业版下载
    美国国家仪器LabVIEW 8.2.1版,英文,Windows系统32位版。石鑫华视觉珍藏。

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    LV8.2.1ENG.txt (85 Bytes, 下载次数: 93, 售价: 50 元)

    LabVIEW 8.2.1 Readme for Windows
    January 2007
    This file contains important last-minute information about LabVIEW 8.2.1 for Windows, including installation and upgrade issues, compatibility issues, bugs fixed in LabVIEW 8.2.1, and changes from LabVIEW 8.2. Refer to the LabVIEW Upgrade Notes for more information about upgrade and compatibility issues and for a complete list of new features in LabVIEW 8.2.x. Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for installation instructions. You can access both of these documents by selecting Help»Search the LabVIEW Help in LabVIEW and navigating to the LabVIEW Documentation Resources book.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about LabVIEW 8.2.1.
    Refer to the labview\readme directory for readme files about LabVIEW add-ons, including modules and toolkits.
    Supported Platforms
    Installing LabVIEW 8.2.1
    Known Issues
    Bug Fixes
    Additions to the LabVIEW Help
    Documentation Corrections
    Supported Platforms
    LabVIEW 8.2.1 supports Windows Vista/XP/2000. LabVIEW 8.2.1 does not support Windows Me/98/95/NT. Note: Support for Windows Vista includes both the 32- and 64-bit versions of the operating system.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for a complete list of system requirements.
    Installing LabVIEW 8.2.1
    If you have LabVIEW 8.2 installed, you can install LabVIEW 8.2.1 without first uninstalling LabVIEW 8.2. Note: Because LabVIEW installs 8.2.1 over 8.2, you cannot have both LabVIEW 8.2 and 8.2.1 installed simultaneously.
    If you do not have LabVIEW 8.2 installed, you can install LabVIEW 8.2.1 without first installing LabVIEW 8.2.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for more information about installing LabVIEW.
    Installing Another Language Version
    If you have another language version of LabVIEW 8.2.x installed on your computer, uninstall that version before installing the new language version.
    Installing LabVIEW Silently
    You can control programmatically which features in the LabVIEW distribution to enable or disable for installation. You therefore can install a subset of the LabVIEW distribution silently. Refer to the silent_install.txt file in the Bin directory on the LabVIEW CD for more information about installing LabVIEW silently and selecting which features to install automatically.
    LabVIEW relies on licensing activation. You have a temporary license for a 30-day evaluation period. If you do not activate the LabVIEW license, LabVIEW operates in evaluation mode, by default, for a 30-day evaluation period. When the evaluation period expires, you must activate a valid LabVIEW license to continue using LabVIEW. To activate the LabVIEW license, use the serial number you received as part of your installation package.
    If you are upgrading from LabVIEW 8.2, and you install LabVIEW 8.2.1 without first uninstalling LabVIEW 8.2, you do not need to activate the LabVIEW license.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Release Notes for more information about licensing in LabVIEW.
    Known IssuesInstallation
    • If you uninstall LabVIEW 8.2.1 and a previous version of LabVIEW remains on the system, the previous version of LabVIEW might try to repair itself the next time you open it. The repair process might remove any patches you installed for that version of LabVIEW. Make sure to reinstall any patches you have on the system after the repair finishes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • If you install LabVIEW 8.2.1 and then install a previous version of LabVIEW on the same computer, Windows Explorer crashes if you use Windows Explorer to perform an operation on an LLB. As a workaround, select Tools»Options, select Environment from the Category list, remove the checkmark from the Enable Windows Explorer for LLB files checkbox, and click the OK button. Display the same Environment Options page again, place a checkmark in the Enable Windows Explorer for LLB files checkbox, click the OK button, and restart the computer.
    • LabVIEW 8.2.1 is not compatible with NI TestStand 3.1 and earlier. Refer to the National Instruments Web site at ni.com to access the Upgrade Advisor and purchase NI TestStand 3.5 or later.
    • The NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) networking technology is incompatible with the Windows XP Service Pack 2 and the Windows Vista firewall. You must disable this firewall or add the related services as exceptions for networking to function correctly. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about this issue.
    • If you have Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista installed, a Security Alert dialog box appears when you launch LabVIEW or the NI Example Finder for the first time. If you select the Keep blocking this program option, the LabVIEW VI Server, LabVIEW Web Server, and any server written in LabVIEW cannot accept incoming connections from a remote computer. Select the Unblock this program, despite the security risk option to configure your computer to launch LabVIEW without any changes in functionality. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • If you previously installed the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office and you upgrade to LabVIEW 8.2.1 without first uninstalling the toolkit, the Report Generation Toolkit VIs break. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    VIs, Express VIs, and Functions
    • The links to subVIs from the labview\vi.lib directory might break when you use File»Save for Previous Version to save application VIs for a previous version of LabVIEW. Right-click the subVIs and select Relink To SubVI from the shortcut menu to relink the subVIs.
    • If you move a VI that contains Advanced Storage VIs to a LabVIEW development system with a different language, the VI does not work because the object types and property names do not match the names in other languages. To correct this problem, use the internal, language-independent object types and property names. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • If you create a new, untitled VI while using the Storage VIs, the numbering of the untitled VI might be inconsistent.
    • The Storage VIs do not support the extended-precision, floating-point data type. If you wire this data type to a Storage VI, LabVIEW returns a compiler error when you run the VI.
    • The Delete Data VI does not work with .tdm file, the size of the file does not change, but you cannot access the data you try to delete.
    • The Sound File Read VI uses large amounts of memory to read an entire .wav file piece by piece rather than in one large file.
    • The Array instance of the Sound Output Set Volume VI does not use the volume input to set the volume on a per-channel basis. Instead, this VI uses the first element of the volume input as the sound level for all channels.
    • The Read From Measurement File Express VI returns an error if you call it on the same file multiple times, which makes using this Express VI in a subVI problematic.
    • If the Database Connectivity Toolkit is installed, you cannot place the Database Variant To Data function on the block diagram. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • If an example VI from LabVIEW 7.x or earlier opens another VI by specifying the example VI name as a path in the Open VI Reference function, you receive an error when you run that example in LabVIEW 8.x. Remove the String To Path function wired to the vi path input of the Open VI Reference function to correct the error.
    • If you configure a Call Library Function Node to call a LabVIEW DLL, place a checkmark in the Specify path on diagram checkbox on the Function page of the Call Library Function dialog box, and select Run in UI thread in the Thread control, LabVIEW hangs when executing the Call Library Function Node. To correct this problem, select Reentrant instead of Run in UI thread in the Thread control. If you configure the Call Library Function Node to call a DLL written in C with these same settings, LabVIEW works correctly.
    Block Diagram Objects
    • If you wire a hex value greater than x7FFFFFFF as an unsigned, 32-bit integer to a Formula Node, LabVIEW coerces the value to 0.
    • If you register an ActiveX event, you must unregister the event explicitly. Otherwise, memory leaks might occur because the ActiveX control does not know that the client has disconnected.
    • When you select Tools»Compare»Compare VIs and use the Compare VIs dialog box, LabVIEW does not display differences between values of cluster constants.
    • A blue field does not surround the palette icons for Express VIs from LabVIEW 7.x and earlier that you open in LabVIEW 8.2.1. For example, if you use a LabVIEW 7.1 toolkit in LabVIEW 8.2.1, a blue field does not surround the icons for Express VIs on the toolkit palette. You must mass compile the Express VIs to display the blue field around the icons.
    • If you define a custom run-time menu for a control and you save that run-time menu with the control, you cannot localize the run-time menu. As a workaround, you can save the custom run-time menu to an external file and point the control to that file, or you can build the run-time menu dynamically with localized strings.
    • LabVIEW does not correctly hide subpalette menus that belong to locked project libraries.
    • When you print the VI Hierarchy window, LabVIEW does not print the VI labels.
    LabVIEW MathScript
    • If you select File»Save for Previous Version and save a VI that contains a MathScript Node for LabVIEW 8.0, the VI is broken when you load it in LabVIEW 8.0. To correct this problem, load the VI in LabVIEW 8.0 and then modify the script in the MathScript Node. For example, add and remove a space. Then click the block diagram outside of the MathScript Node. When you click the Run button, the VI runs correctly.
    • MathScript does not support string inputs that use LaTeX syntax.
    • If you mass compile VIs last saved in a previous version of LabVIEW and the VIs contain MathScript Nodes, LabVIEW might return error messages, but LabVIEW compiles and saves the VIs correctly.
    • If a LabVIEW MathScript contains a gca, get, or set function, LabVIEW ignores the function and executes the remainder of the script as normal. LabVIEW does not return errors or warnings for these functions in a script.
    LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming
    • If you delete a control, indicator, or constant of a LabVIEW class, the backup object keeps the LabVIEW class loaded in that application instance. This backup object can cause a problem if the LabVIEW class is loaded in more than one application instance. To edit the LabVIEW class, make sure the class is loaded in only one application instance. The backup object might be the only reason the LabVIEW class stays in memory in an application instance. To remove the backup object for the LabVIEW class, save or close the VI(s). Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • If you rename a parent class while any child classes are in memory, LabVIEW does not record the mutation history of the class correctly. LabVIEW resets any flattened data or non-default data in memory to the default value. To avoid losing data, rename a class only when it is not in memory. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about renaming LabVIEW classes.
    • If you call the DataSocket Open, DataSocket Write, and DataSocket Close functions in succession repeatedly, LabVIEW leaks memory. To correct this problem, call the DataSocket Open function once, use the DataSocket Write function to write multiple times, and then use the DataSocket Close function.
    • If a dialog box is already open, you cannot use the DataSocket Open function.
    • You cannot use the http protocol with the DataSocket VI and functions in LabVIEW-built shared libraries.
    • You cannot use front panel DataSocket data binding with fixed-sized arrays.
    • If you use the DataSocket Server Manager to create a Boolean object, the DataSocket Server Manager converts the Boolean object to numeric data in the configuration file.
    Shared Variables
    • You can read from and write to private single-process shared variables.
    • If you open a VI that contains a shared variable from a zip file, LabVIEW displays a file dialog box indicating that it cannot find the file for the global VI associated with the shared variable. Click the Cancel button to recreate the global VI.
    • LabVIEW fails to deploy all shared variables in a library if one shared variable has an invalid binding. To correct this problem, either delete the shared variable that has an invalid binding or unbind the shared variable.
    • If you select File»Save for Previous Version and save a VI that contains a Shared Variable node for LabVIEW 8.0, the VI might not return correct results. If you save the VI for LabVIEW 8.0.1, the VI returns correct results. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about correcting this problem.
    • Network-published shared variables do not function properly if multiple network adapters are enabled on the same computer.
    • LabVIEW returns out of memory errors when you run a VI in one version of LabVIEW that calls a DLL written in C that in turn calls a DLL built in a different version of LabVIEW.
    • If the server on which the Xmath license is installed is offline, LabVIEW hangs when you open a VI that contains an Xmath Script node.
    • If a remote panel server is a LabVIEW development system, when a client requests a VI, LabVIEW saves an in-memory image of the VI and sends an up-to-date VI image to the client. Therefore, the remote front panel and the local VI front panel look the same. However, if a built application is a remote panel server, LabVIEW acquires the VI image from disk and sends it to the client. In this case, the VI image that the client receives might be out of sync with the in-memory image of the VI on the server computer if the client connects to a VI that has already been running. The remote front panel might not show an updated version of the VI front panel on the server computer. Refer to the KnowledgeBase at ni.com for more information about using remote panel servers with built applications.
    • If you have more than one Ethernet card, Logos is automatically assigned to the primary Ethernet card. To assign Logos to a different Ethernet card, switch the Ethernet cards.
    • The maximum size of datalog files is 2 GB.
    • .NET type definitions do not correctly update when you change the related assembly.
    • If you use the Edit Items page of the Enum Properties dialog box to edit an enumerated type control that contains a large amount of items, LabVIEW 8.2.1 might perform slower than LabVIEW 8.0. To avoid this problem, use the Labeling tool to add or edit items directly from the front panel. Refer to the Adding Items to Enumerated Type Controls topic in the LabVIEW Help for more information about adding items to enumerated type controls.
    Windows Vista
    • For compatibility reasons, the LabVIEW installation process enables write permissions for the Program Files\National Instruments directory.
    • If you have a version of PC-cillin Internet Security installed on Windows Vista, Logos does not work. Because of this issue, you cannot communicate with Ethernet instruments, such as FieldPoint modules, that use Logos.
    • You cannot start and stop the following services from the command line on Windows Vista using the -stop parameters or the Windows net stop commands:
      • Shared Variable Engine
      • National Instruments PSP Server Locator
      • NI Lookout Citadel Server 4.x
      • Citadel 5.x Database
      • National Instruments Time Synchronization Service
      • National Instruments Domain Server
      To start and stop these services, use the Services utility, available by selecting Start»Control Panel»Administrative Tools»Services. Also, NI applications no longer start these services automatically if the service is not running already.
    • On Windows Vista, the Enable Windows Explorer for LLB files checkbox is grayed out on the Environment page of the Options dialog box because this feature is not supported on Windows Vista.
    • Because the default fonts on Windows Vista are different than the default fonts on previous versions of Windows, you might notice cosmetic issues, such as overlapping or truncated text strings, in VIs and LabVIEW dialog boxes. To correct this problem, change the theme of the operating system to Windows Classic in the Theme Settings dialog box and then restart LabVIEW. Select Start»Control Panel»Appearance and Personalization and click Change the theme to display the Theme Settings dialog box.
    • You cannot install LabVIEW 8.2.1 on the Windows Vista Starter edition.
    • LabVIEW does not support Windows Vista icons for stand-alone applications.
    Bug Fixes
    The following items are changes from LabVIEW 8.2 to LabVIEW 8.2.1.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    41DBGH00Fixed an issue where external applications, such as NI TestStand, crash when you drag objects into LabVIEW.
    3ZAIL2MFFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you use a VI with shared variables in NI TestStand sequences.
    40HDUIBKFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you save a broken reentrant VI on Linux and then load the VI on another platform.
    4308NMSQFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes if you have IMAQ Vision installed and you create a constant from an image display control.
    VIs and Express VIs
    3ZDAREBKFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you save a VI while an empty free label is selected.
    45MB5LFNFixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs when you close the configuration dialog box of the Get Properties Express VI, the Set Properties Express VI, or the Write To Measurement File Express VI.
    409CGN83Fixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs and the Getting Started window does not reappear if the last VI you close is a clone of a reentrant VI.
    3YCG7JGQFixed an issue with automatic saving for recovery where LabVIEW does not save backups of a VI file in an LLB if the name of the VI contains characters that the operating system does not allow.
    467BI7VQFixed an issue where if you programmatically set a VI property for a reentrant VI, the VI might become non-reentrant.
    43FELE00Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might not load VIs correctly from a DLL application instance.
    424GQ1I7Fixed an issue where only users with administrator privileges can open the examples for the Windows Registry Access VIs.
    41JEDT1IFixed an issue where you cannot use the Cursor VIs to change a cursor in a reentrant VI.
    41I9L8CIFixed an issue where the Load VRML File VI does not apply parent-child transformations correctly.
    410EI7CIFixed an issue where you cannot load two different VRML files from the same VI.
    3VKDHBQOFixed an issue where a VI that detects Key Down events crashes when you operate the VI as a remote front panel.
    3ZJGNJPWFixed an issue where you cannot use the Convert TDM to TDMS VI and the Convert TDMS to TDM VI with existing .tdms files.
    41RF1EW0Fixed an issue where the Convert TDM to TDMS VI and the Convert TDMS to TDM VI create empty channel groups that do not exist in the source file.
    42OCGBJKFixed an issue where the Convert TDMS to TDM VI does not copy the root properties of the .tdm file.
    42OCK4JKFixed an issue where the Convert TDMS to TDM VI adds characters to group and channel names that are not in the original file.
    41T9SLKJFixed an issue where the Sound Output Set Volume (Single) VI does not work with sound tasks you create using the Play Sound File VI.
    40HE1SMQFixed an issue where the Sound Output Write VI and the Sound Input Read VI incorrectly handle 24-bit formats.
    40HDDDMQFixed an issue where the Sound File Read VI incorrectly handles sound files that use the IEEE floating-point format.
    4218S2CSFixed an issue where right-clicking a missing dynamic dispatch subVI, selecting Replace from the shortcut menu, and replacing the missing subVI with a new subVI might corrupt the top-level VI.
    41CE1439Fixed an issue where the Write Data Express VI cannot create terminals for data that is not compatible with the .tdm file format.
    423GHDQ4Fixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when compiling a VI that uses a Bundle function to bundle a cluster and an element of the same cluster.
    41SEH2R0Fixed an issue with the Unbundle By Name function where the outputs shift and return the wrong elements if you expand the input cluster and add an element to the beginning of the cluster.
    40LD2E1WFixed an issue where a broken wire incorrectly becomes unbroken when you wire an array with an incorrect number of dimensions to the Replace Array Subset function and then perform an undo operation.
    41HDO7D5Fixed an issue with the Delete function where LabVIEW does not display a dialog box that asks you to confirm the delete operation when the confirm input is TRUE.
    406GLS7UFixed an issue where the File/Directory Info function returns an incorrect size for files larger than 4 GB.
    400J6DABFixed an issue where the TDM Streaming functions leak small amounts of memory when you use the functions to read from and write to a file simultaneously.
    40LAG76OFixed an issue where the TDMS Set Properties function does not accept the subarray data type.
    4498F7I8Fixed an issue with the TDMS Get Properties function where the NI_ChannelLength property returns an incorrect result for channels with more than eight billion values.
    3ZRAECAFFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you wire array data to the channel name(s) in input of the TDMS Write function or the TDMS Read function.
    44A82UN3Fixed an issue where the TDMS Write function incorrectly handles values in subarrays.
    44E2K100Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you wire cluster data from the error out output of any VI or function to the quit? input of the Quit LabVIEW function, delete the error cluster wire, right-click the quit? input, and then select Create»Constant from the shortcut menu.
    42934191Fixed an issue with the Database Connectivity Toolkit in localized versions of LabVIEW where you cannot place the Database Variant To Data function on the block diagram.
    Front Panel Objects
    40A8TF70Fixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you click a front panel table control or indicator when the VI is running.
    3YT8QDTCFixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs or crashes when you open a VI that contains a graph with thousands of cursors.
    41PGKSKFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you open a reentrant VI that contains a graph with cursors.
    4298GDCYFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you rename a plot on a waveform graph if dynamic data is wired to the graph, the graph contains no data, and the graph is configured to not ignore attributes.
    43SAIR2AFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you run a VI that contains a mixed signal graph with a multi-plot cursor.
    43SAIR2AFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you select File»Save for Previous Version to save a VI that contains a graph with a cursor for a previous version of LabVIEW and then you open the VI in the previous version of LabVIEW.
    40FC9LTXFixed an issue where a floating-point numeric control cannot show zero digits of precision.
    41ICLC00Fixed an issue where the File»Apply Changes menu item in the Control Editor window might fail for nested type definitions.
    40AD38YRFixed an issue where a shortcut menu item on a subcomponent of a type definition operates on the subcomponent instead of the top-level type definition.
    431GRU7JFixed an issue with tree controls where when you press the key to copy an item while you click and drag the item within the tree control, the data value returned by the tree control output differs from the data value returned by the Value property.
    40E8RFI8Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not draw the plot correctly when you graph a set of data that includes values of not a number (NaN).
    3ZAG1F3IFixed an issue where a graph scale displayed in an XControl or a subpanel control disappears while you type.
    43K8PJJ0Fixed an issue where LabVIEW changes the value of a slider with an inverted scale incorrectly when you click the increment or decrement arrow buttons.
    42HEPKLDFixed an issue where you cannot resize the top plot in a stacked plot downward.
    41LCLDP2Fixed an issue where it is difficult to resize an object by a small amount interactively.
    452GKK1IFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you select a thick line style and a sloped edge transition type for data displayed as a bus on a digital waveform graph.
    42JA9UW4Fixed an issue where when you set the Defer Panel Updates property to TRUE, LabVIEW does not defer all new requests for front panel updates to some graph properties.
    44JEGQ7UFixed an autoscaling issue that might cause incorrect behavior in some charts.
    Block Diagram Objects
    40DAF67UFixed an issue where LabVIEW might overwrite values in an array when you enable auto-indexing on the input tunnel of a While Loop, wire the input tunnel to an output tunnel with auto-indexing disabled, and then modify the data after the While Loop.
    40KEQDWQFixed an issue where when you wire an enumerated type control to an enumerated type indicator with fewer elements than the control, the resulting value from the control is not always coerced to the closest value in the indicator.
    41I6OM99Fixed an issue where the Reinitialize to Default Value shortcut menu item does not appear for generic probes.
    40LHJ4J1Fixed an issue where LabVIEW incorrectly allows you to use a conditional string probe on a queue refnum wire.
    402EFSQEFixed an issue where some nodes might coerce output values unnecessarily because LabVIEW does not update type definitions in the correct order.
    41S7DH1WFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you use the History properties to customize the VI history of a reentrant VI.
    457BKB4UFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you right-click an input terminal of a VISA VI or function and select Create»Constant or Create»Control from the shortcut menu.
    41EF1UZAFixed an issue where a VI that contains a Call Library Function Node breaks when compiled if you wire the error in terminal of the node but not the error out terminal.
    400BFM00Fixed an issue where a Conditional Disable structure on a simulation diagram might break a VI that is open in more than one project or that is targeted to more than one computer in a single LabVIEW process.
    40L6O5VIFixed an issue where an internal error occurs when you call a VI Server property on a remote LabVIEW application, and the property then fails to get a correct value.
    41KEQ3QWFixed an issue where LabVIEW does not release texture images after you use the Get Image method on an object in a 3D scene.
    41422LTOFixed an issue where if you wire the count terminal of a For Loop to the count terminal of a nested For Loop, the inner For Loop might not execute the correct number of times the first time you run the VI.
    43J7L3MDFixed a performance issue where when you wire a constant to the selector terminal of a Case structure, use the Case structure in a loop, and wire an input tunnel directly to an output tunnel in only one of the cases, LabVIEW might fail to use the same memory space for the input and output tunnels, which creates extra copies of the data at run time.
    4474NJ00Fixed an issue where when you wire a constant to the selector terminal of a Case structure that contains a case with a negatively open-ended range in the case selector label, and the value of the constant equals the bound of the negatively open-ended range, the wrong case executes.
    43Q7NJPTFixed an issue where when you wire a mixture of scalar integers and complex double-precision floating-point numbers to the Build Array function, LabVIEW generates incorrect code, which causes unexpected behavior.
    4468LEU9Fixed an issue where if you wire constants to all inputs of the Format Into String function, LabVIEW decides at compile time whether to use a period or a comma as the decimal separator. If you then load the VI on an operating system with different locale settings, the Format Into String function returns unexpected results for the new settings.
    447GKQTDFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you use a generic probe on a matrix data type wire.
    439ACNTLFixed an issue where the Remote Panel:Lock Control method and the Remote Panel:Unlock Control method do not work.
    45MGKOQEFixed an issue where when the data type of an indicator, such as a waveform graph, adapts to data you wire to the indicator, the data type of a Value property associated with that indicator does not change.
    LabVIEW MathScript
    406CC9TRFixed an issue where the MathScript plot window does not display correctly after you select Tools»Clear Graph to clear a graph.
    3Z6CCU8WFixed an issue where LabVIEW incorrectly returns a value of not a number (power function or the carat (^) to raise a negative number to a power.
    45T9T528Fixed an issue with localized versions of LabVIEW where LabVIEW crashes when reading matrix data from the MathScript Node.
    LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming
    4101CU8PFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you right-click a folder that contains a LabVIEW class and select Convert to Library from the shortcut menu.
    40AA12CSFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you rename a dynamic dispatch member VI of a LabVIEW class located in the middle of an inheritance hierarchy.
    43JCLR2KFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you display the Context Help window and then move the cursor over the wire of a LabVIEW class whose private data contains a VI reference that refers to a VI with a terminal of the same class type.
    40O8NJMXFixed an issue where a memory leak occurs and LabVIEW might crash when you use the Build Array function to prepend a LabVIEW class object to an array.
    3ZP99HN8Fixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs when you add a LabVIEW class to a library while the library is open in both the Project Explorer window and the project library window.
    40667H1WFixed an issue where if you edit the cluster elements in the private data control of a LabVIEW class and you save the class but not all its member VIs, the Bundle and Unbundle functions no longer map to the correct elements of the cluster, and LabVIEW might crash.
    3ZAFD6J1Fixed an issue where a LabVIEW class that is broken because of a missing VI is not fixed when you remove the missing VI from the LabVIEW class.
    42B8NUJ1Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW class example Design Pattern.lvproj does not use a correct implementation of the Singleton design pattern.
    4148NNJ1Fixed an issue where a custom probe that is a member VI of a LabVIEW class cannot access private or protected member VIs.
    40MGGGM0Fixed an issue where if you convert a LabVIEW class into a flattened string in a stand-alone application or shared library, you cannot unflatten the class successfully in a LabVIEW development system.
    3ZHCSAP2Fixed an issue where adding a static VI to a LabVIEW parent class does not immediately break VIs with the same filename in child classes. Also fixed a similar issue where removing a static VI from a parent class does not fix VIs with the same filename in child classes.
    3ZBD43J1Fixed an issue where if you rename an existing dynamic dispatch VI in a LabVIEW class, LabVIEW does not allow you to rename another VI to the old name of the dynamic dispatch VI unless you unload the LabVIEW project and then reload the project from disk.
    3ZP91SN8Fixed an issue where you can drag a LabVIEW class in a LabVIEW project to a target that does not support LabVIEW classes.
    43DGJNFRFixed an issue where you must save LabVIEW class methods every time they load into memory even though you make no modifications to the VIs on disk.
    42PC65PWFixed an issue where LabVIEW might incorrectly report that you are attempting to use some methods recursively when you try to change the inheritance of a LabVIEW class from one parent to another parent.
    LabVIEW Projects
    3ZPE9KUFFixed an issue where LabVIEW might return an error when you move an untitled VI between projects.
    3ZP9GCN8Fixed an issue where you cannot drag a broken LabVIEW control from one project to another project.
    41D8HH9IFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you copy an XControl from a VI in a LabVIEW project to a VI in another project and then you close the original project.
    41REGG7GFixed an issue where you cannot add an LLB to a project as a file.
    45TDS3F2Fixed an issue where a memory leak occurs when you close a LabVIEW project.
    Stand-Alone Applications and Source Distributions
    42FEG8P2Fixed an issue where LabVIEW returns an error if you select File»Save for Previous Version to save a LabVIEW project that contains a build specification for a previous version and then you attempt to build a stand-alone application in the previous version of LabVIEW.
    40HEDDJGFixed an issue where LabVIEW does not apply VI settings correctly in stand-alone applications.
    41I9OMMXFixed an issue where you cannot send a source distribution to an LLB if the source distribution includes non-VI files.
    42TG4QMXFixed an issue where LabVIEW might not copy dependent files correctly when you exclude exactly one file from a source distribution.
    42UGCF3EFixed an issue where LabVIEW might hang when you double-click a custom icon file from the Select Project File dialog box of the Icon page of the Application Properties dialog box.
    421D4SDEFixed an issue where you cannot build a VI with a licensed .NET control into a stand-alone application.
    42TF44SUFixed an issue where you cannot run a stand-alone application that contains a VI with a licensed .NET control if you do not have the license for the control.
    467BI7VQFixed an issue where if you build a reentrant VI into a stand-alone application as a top-level VI, the VI is not reentrant in the application.
    403F95LMFixed an issue where a DataSocket DLL is not signed.
    400AHCKUFixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs when you use DataSocket to connect to and disconnect from multiple PSP data items.
    38QD2MXEFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you use front panel DataSocket data binding to connect to a SCADA system OPC server.
    Shared Variables
    40CHDO8OFixed an issue where right-clicking a Shared Variable node, selecting Select Variable from the shortcut menu, and then selecting a shared variable might configure the Shared Variable node incorrectly and cause LabVIEW to hang.
    402KCLVQFixed an issue where a Shared Variable node saved in LabVIEW 8.0 or 8.0.1 does not load correctly in LabVIEW 8.2.
    3ZQBQE9ZFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you drag a shared variable from the project tree to the front panel of a VI that contains a splitter bar.
    .NET and ActiveX
    458A2KX7Fixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when handling a .NET event if you wire array data passed by reference to an input of the Register Event Callback function and then wire a result to an output of the function.
    41RE03DEFixed an issue where you cannot distribute a VI with a licensed .NET control to a computer that does not have the license.
    40GEEEX7Fixed an issue where .NET assemblies that have separate images for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms show two items in the LabVIEW Assemblies list.
    430DOFSUFixed an issue where .NET events that have output parameters or return values incorrectly copy the data returned by the callback VI to the .NET system.
    42TEH4SUFixed an issue where a VI that contains a .NET method breaks if the parameters associated with the method do not match the .NET signature exactly.
    43QFBUOKFixed an issue where opening a VI saved without its block diagram might result in a broken VI if the VI contains .NET or ActiveX references and the .NET Assembly or ActiveX Type Library changed.
    430FTUBWFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you place a .NET control on the block diagram and then exit LabVIEW without running the VI.
    40NFMLW4Fixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you use the Profile Performance and Memory window to acquire data about the memory usage of a VI that uses ActiveX data or objects.
    437E4N1YFixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you open the Error List window.
    41OF7H00Fixed an issue where you experience degraded performance of the LabVIEW user interface when you restore a minimized window or you use the shortcut to access the application menu of a window.
    4214C9QGFixed an issue where LabVIEW hangs when configured to work with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe if the source control server is not available or not responding.
    41CBN7P2Fixed an issue where excessive internal notifications occur when you edit a VI and source control is enabled.
    41DCHG00Fixed an issue where a COM DLL that contains multiple type libraries displays only one of the type libraries.
    44BJCGHLFixed an issue where LabVIEW fails to open a debugging connection to DLLs built in LabVIEW.
    42J25NQKFixed an issue with localized versions of LabVIEW where LabVIEW might crash when you close the control or indicator Properties dialog box.
    403EENRXFixed an issue where the Variable Manager does not display variables that contain a single quotation mark in the variable name.
    40GCNNTZFixed an issue where you cannot use the LabVIEW Interface Generator for LabWindows/CVI Instrument Drivers to set the Interchangeable Virtual Instruments (IVI) class programmatically when you import IVI drivers.
    402FFU9IFixed an issue where the Facade VI of an XControl does not detect Key Down events when the owning VI of the XControl is in edit mode.
    3WJGB7I8Fixed an issue related to the length of time it takes to read from a .tdms file created by writing a large number of small data segments to the file.
    41AGS3ABFixed an issue where you cannot append data to a channel in a .tdms file if you created the channel by storing an empty array.
    41AEF9ABFixed an issue where opening the same file twice when the first connection is read only and the second connection has write permission overrides the read only setting for all open connections.
    43RD3RYRFixed an issue where the Application Instance Close event might not generate when the event occurs in a VI running inside a LabVIEW project.
    NoneFixed an issue in the French and German versions of LabVIEW where some buttons in file dialog boxes incorrectly refer to VI library instead of LLB.
    44H7Q0HEFixed an issue where LabVIEW crashes when you clone a non-waveform object in a cluster and then drag the clone to a waveform object in the same cluster.
    45I96VV9Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when you use the Profile Performance and Memory window to profile a VI while a LabVIEW project that contains certain types of targets is open.
    44I2R0BWFixed an issue where a custom run-time menu associated with a shared library does not appear when LabVIEW loads the shared library.
    45PA1B00Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might lose or change the data name associated with data you coerce to variant data.
    Additions to the LabVIEW Help
    • The default behavior for the Digital Transition Location property changed to display high to low transitions at the new point on the x-axis.
    • In LabVIEW 8.2.x, you cannot view the contents of a stand-alone application (EXE) or shared library (DLL) by renaming the application or shared library to have a .llb file extension. You also cannot access a VI in a stand-alone application or shared library by specifying the path to the VI from outside of the application or shared library.
    • The System Requirements section on the Advanced page of the Installer Properties dialog box includes the option Windows Vista and later. Use this option if you want to specify that users have Microsoft Windows Vista or a later version to run the installer.
    • The Create Instrument Driver Project wizard includes a progress bar so you can view the status of the instrument driver project as LabVIEW builds it. You can cancel the operation by clicking the Cancel button.
    • The default value for the Cache VIs component of the Mass Compile dialog box changed from 5 to 10. Also, caching VIs is enabled by default.
    • In LabVIEW 8.0 or earlier, the value for the Priority input of a Timed Loop must be a positive integer between 1 and 2,147,480,000. In LabVIEW 8.2.x, the value for the Priority input must be a positive integer between 1 and 65,535.
    • To create a new VI or project from the LabVIEW MathScript Window, you first must return to the Getting Started window by selecting View»Getting Started Window.
    • You must use NI Spy 2.3 or later in LabVIEW 8.x. NI Spy 2.4 is available on the National Instruments Device Drivers CD.
    • You must use the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.1 or later in LabVIEW 8.2.1. Refer to the National Instruments Web site to access the Upgrade Advisor and order the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.1 or later.
    • You must use Measurement Studio 8.0 or later with LabVIEW 8.2.x. Refer to the National Instruments Web site to access the Upgrade Advisor and order Measurement Studio 8.0.
    • LabVIEW initializes a Shared Variable node the first time you run a VI that contains that node.
    • In LabVIEW 7.x and earlier, LabVIEW enables debugging automatically for new VIs. If you then make a VI reentrant by selecting File»VI Properties, selecting Execution from the pull-down menu, and placing a checkmark in the Reentrant execution checkbox, LabVIEW automatically removes the checkmark from the Allow debugging checkbox. In LabVIEW 8.x, LabVIEW does not automatically remove the checkmark from the Allow debugging checkbox.
    • A .NET or ActiveX property that returns a reference to a class outside the current type library cannot be made into a dotted property. When you view the property in the Class Browser window, a blue glyph does not appear next to the property name in the Properties and Methods list.
    • LabVIEW supports smooth scrolling, or scrolling by pixels, on the front panel and block diagram of a VI.
    • Select File»Close in a file with unsaved changes to display the Save changes before closing? dialog box. Select File»Close All to display the Save changes and Close All? dialog box.
    • You can access LabVIEW data files from DIAdem regardless of the format in which you stored those data files.
    • If you configure source control in LabVIEW, LabVIEW does not report an error when you save a VI to a directory outside the SCC specification.
    • In LabVIEW 7.x and earlier, if you wire dynamic data to a waveform-based polymorphic VI that has Automatic selected in the polymorphic VI selector, LabVIEW selects the 1-channel instance. In LabVIEW 8.x, LabVIEW selects the N-channel instance. The N-channel instance returns arrays of measurement data instead of a single measurement, so VIs that use a waveform-based polymorphic VI might be broken in LabVIEW 8.x. If you want to process only the first signal in the dynamic data, you must manually select the 1-channel instance in the polymorphic VI selector.
    • You must use an application reference when you use VI server properties and methods in one application instance, and you want to interact with a different application instance. It is not always obvious that VIs are running in different application instances. For example, each LabVIEW project has its own application instance, and each target within a project has its own application instance. LabVIEW also creates a main application instance, which contains open VIs that are not part of a project and VIs that you did not open from a project. In addition, LabVIEW opens user VIs you place in the labview\project, and labview\wizard directories in a private application instance. If you are unsure whether you are interacting with a different application instance, use an application reference.
    Documentation Corrections
    • The LabVIEW Help incorrectly states that you can use the DataSocket VIs and functions to read or write shared variables from Mac and Linux.
    • The LabVIEW Upgrade Notes refers you to the Fundamentals»Calling Code Written in Text-Based Programming Languages»Concepts»Importing Functions from Shared Library Files topic on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help for more information about creating wrappers for shared library files. The path to this topic should be Fundamentals»Calling Code Written in Text-Based Programming Languages»How-To»Importing Functions from a Shared Library File.
    • The LabVIEW Upgrade Notes refers you to the Fundamentals»Windows Connectivity»Concepts»Web Services book on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help for more information about importing Web services. The path to this topic should be Fundamentals»Windows Connectivity»Concepts»Importing Web Services.
    • In the LabVIEW Upgrade Notes, the TDM Streaming File Viewer VI should be the TDMS File Viewer VI.
    • The LabVIEW Fundamentals manual and the LabVIEW Quick Reference Card did not change for LabVIEW 8.2.x. Therefore, the content might not reflect changes made in LabVIEW 8.2.x. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for the most updated information.
    • The LabVIEW Upgrade Notes, the LabVIEW Release Notes, and the Getting Started with LabVIEW manual did not change for LabVIEW 8.2.1. Therefore, the content might not reflect changes made in LabVIEW 8.2.1.

    © 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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    2020-8-15 22:54
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    2023-8-12 18:27
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