ClassesClasses | | Operators

binocular_calibrationT_binocular_calibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibration (Operator)


binocular_calibrationT_binocular_calibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibration — Determine all camera parameters of a binocular stereo system.


binocular_calibration( : : NX, NY, NZ, NRow1, NCol1, NRow2, NCol2, StartCamParam1, StartCamParam2, NStartPose1, NStartPose2, EstimateParams : CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, RelPose, Errors)

Herror T_binocular_calibration(const Htuple NX, const Htuple NY, const Htuple NZ, const Htuple NRow1, const Htuple NCol1, const Htuple NRow2, const Htuple NCol2, const Htuple StartCamParam1, const Htuple StartCamParam2, const Htuple NStartPose1, const Htuple NStartPose2, const Htuple EstimateParams, Htuple* CamParam1, Htuple* CamParam2, Htuple* NFinalPose1, Htuple* NFinalPose2, Htuple* RelPose, Htuple* Errors)

void BinocularCalibration(const HTuple& NX, const HTuple& NY, const HTuple& NZ, const HTuple& NRow1, const HTuple& NCol1, const HTuple& NRow2, const HTuple& NCol2, const HTuple& StartCamParam1, const HTuple& StartCamParam2, const HTuple& NStartPose1, const HTuple& NStartPose2, const HTuple& EstimateParams, HTuple* CamParam1, HTuple* CamParam2, HTuple* NFinalPose1, HTuple* NFinalPose2, HTuple* RelPose, HTuple* Errors)

HCamPar HCamPar::BinocularCalibration(const HTuple& NX, const HTuple& NY, const HTuple& NZ, const HTuple& NRow1, const HTuple& NCol1, const HTuple& NRow2, const HTuple& NCol2, const HCamPar& StartCamParam2, const HPoseArray& NStartPose1, const HPoseArray& NStartPose2, const HTuple& EstimateParams, HCamPar* CamParam2, HPoseArray* NFinalPose1, HPoseArray* NFinalPose2, HPose* RelPose, HTuple* Errors) const

HCamPar HCamPar::BinocularCalibration(const HTuple& NX, const HTuple& NY, const HTuple& NZ, const HTuple& NRow1, const HTuple& NCol1, const HTuple& NRow2, const HTuple& NCol2, const HCamPar& StartCamParam2, const HPose& NStartPose1, const HPose& NStartPose2, const HTuple& EstimateParams, HCamPar* CamParam2, HPose* NFinalPose1, HPose* NFinalPose2, HPose* RelPose, double* Errors) const

static HCamPar HPose::BinocularCalibration(const HTuple& NX, const HTuple& NY, const HTuple& NZ, const HTuple& NRow1, const HTuple& NCol1, const HTuple& NRow2, const HTuple& NCol2, const HCamPar& StartCamParam1, const HCamPar& StartCamParam2, const HPoseArray& NStartPose1, const HPoseArray& NStartPose2, const HTuple& EstimateParams, HCamPar* CamParam2, HPoseArray* NFinalPose1, HPoseArray* NFinalPose2, HPose* RelPose, HTuple* Errors)

HCamPar HPose::BinocularCalibration(const HTuple& NX, const HTuple& NY, const HTuple& NZ, const HTuple& NRow1, const HTuple& NCol1, const HTuple& NRow2, const HTuple& NCol2, const HCamPar& StartCamParam1, const HCamPar& StartCamParam2, const HPose& NStartPose2, const HTuple& EstimateParams, HCamPar* CamParam2, HPose* NFinalPose1, HPose* NFinalPose2, HPose* RelPose, double* Errors) const

static void HOperatorSet.BinocularCalibration(HTuple NX, HTuple NY, HTuple NZ, HTuple NRow1, HTuple NCol1, HTuple NRow2, HTuple NCol2, HTuple startCamParam1, HTuple startCamParam2, HTuple NStartPose1, HTuple NStartPose2, HTuple estimateParams, out HTuple camParam1, out HTuple camParam2, out HTuple NFinalPose1, out HTuple NFinalPose2, out HTuple relPose, out HTuple errors)

HCamPar HCamPar.BinocularCalibration(HTuple NX, HTuple NY, HTuple NZ, HTuple NRow1, HTuple NCol1, HTuple NRow2, HTuple NCol2, HCamPar startCamParam2, HPose[] NStartPose1, HPose[] NStartPose2, HTuple estimateParams, out HCamPar camParam2, out HPose[] NFinalPose1, out HPose[] NFinalPose2, out HPose relPose, out HTuple errors)

HCamPar HCamPar.BinocularCalibration(HTuple NX, HTuple NY, HTuple NZ, HTuple NRow1, HTuple NCol1, HTuple NRow2, HTuple NCol2, HCamPar startCamParam2, HPose NStartPose1, HPose NStartPose2, HTuple estimateParams, out HCamPar camParam2, out HPose NFinalPose1, out HPose NFinalPose2, out HPose relPose, out double errors)

static HCamPar HPose.BinocularCalibration(HTuple NX, HTuple NY, HTuple NZ, HTuple NRow1, HTuple NCol1, HTuple NRow2, HTuple NCol2, HCamPar startCamParam1, HCamPar startCamParam2, HPose[] NStartPose1, HPose[] NStartPose2, HTuple estimateParams, out HCamPar camParam2, out HPose[] NFinalPose1, out HPose[] NFinalPose2, out HPose relPose, out HTuple errors)

HCamPar HPose.BinocularCalibration(HTuple NX, HTuple NY, HTuple NZ, HTuple NRow1, HTuple NCol1, HTuple NRow2, HTuple NCol2, HCamPar startCamParam1, HCamPar startCamParam2, HPose NStartPose2, HTuple estimateParams, out HCamPar camParam2, out HPose NFinalPose1, out HPose NFinalPose2, out HPose relPose, out double errors)


In general, binocular calibration means the exact determination of the parameters that model the 3D reconstruction of a 3D point from the corresponding images of this point in a binocular stereo system. This reconstruction is specified by the internal parameters CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1camParam1 of camera 1 and CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2camParam2 of camera 2 describing the underlying camera model, and the external parameters RelPoseRelPoseRelPoseRelPoserelPose describing the relative pose of camera system 2 in relation to camera system 1.

Thus, known 3D model points (with coordinates NXNXNXNXNX, NYNYNYNYNY, NZNZNZNZNZ) are projected in the image planes of both cameras (camera 1 and camera 2) and the sum of the squared distances between these projections and the corresponding measured image points (with coordinates NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1, NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1 for camera 1 and NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2, NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2 for camera 2) is minimized. It should be noted that all these model points must be visible in both images. The used camera model is described in calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras. The camera model is represented (for each camera separately) by a tuple of 9 to 16 parameters that correspond to area scan cameras (see calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras). The projection uses the initial values StartCamParam1StartCamParam1StartCamParam1StartCamParam1startCamParam1 and StartCamParam2StartCamParam2StartCamParam2StartCamParam2startCamParam2 of the internal parameters of camera 1 and camera 2, which can be obtained from the camera data sheets. In addition, the initial guesses NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1 and NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2 of the poses of the 3D calibration model in relation to the camera coordinate systems (CCS) of camera 1 and camera 2 are needed as well. These poses can be determined by the find_marks_and_posefind_marks_and_poseFindMarksAndPoseFindMarksAndPoseFindMarksAndPose operator. Since this calibration algorithm simultaneously handles correspondences between measured image and known model points from different image pairs, poses (NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1,NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2), and measured points (NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1,NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1,NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2, NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2) must be passed concatenated in a corresponding order.

The input parameter EstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsestimateParams is used to select the parameters to be estimated. Usually this parameter is set to 'all'"all""all""all""all", i.e., all external camera parameters (translation and rotation) and all internal camera parameters are determined. Otherwise, EstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsestimateParams contains a tuple of strings indicating the combination of parameters to estimate. For instance, if the internal camera parameters already have been determined (e.g., by previous calls to binocular_calibrationbinocular_calibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibration), it is often desired to only determine relative the pose of the two cameras to each other (RelPoseRelPoseRelPoseRelPoserelPose). In this case, EstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsestimateParams can be set to 'pose_rel'"pose_rel""pose_rel""pose_rel""pose_rel". The internal parameters can be subsumed by the parameter values 'cam_param1'"cam_param1""cam_param1""cam_param1""cam_param1" and 'cam_param2'"cam_param2""cam_param2""cam_param2""cam_param2" as well. Note that if the polynomial model is used to model the lens distortions, the values 'k1_i'"k1_i""k1_i""k1_i""k1_i", 'k2_i'"k2_i""k2_i""k2_i""k2_i" and 'k3_i'"k3_i""k3_i""k3_i""k3_i" can be specified individually, whereas 'p1'"p1""p1""p1""p1" and 'p2'"p2""p2""p2""p2" can only be specified in the group 'poly_tan_2_i'"poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i" (with 'i'"i""i""i""i" indicating the index of the camera). 'poly_i'"poly_i""poly_i""poly_i""poly_i" specifies the group 'k1_i'"k1_i""k1_i""k1_i""k1_i", 'k2_i'"k2_i""k2_i""k2_i""k2_i", 'k3_i'"k3_i""k3_i""k3_i""k3_i" and 'poly_tan_2_i'"poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i""poly_tan_2_i".

The following list contains all possible strings that can be passed to the tuple:

Allowed strings for EstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsestimateParams Determined parameters
'all' (default) All internal camera parameters, as well as the relative pose of both cameras and the poses of the calibration objects.
'pose' Relative pose between the two cameras and poses of the calibration objects.
'pose_rel' Relative pose between the two cameras.
'alpha_rel', 'beta_rel', 'gamma_rel', 'transx_rel', 'transy_rel', 'transz_rel' Rotation angles and translation parameters of the relative pose between the two cameras.
'pose_caltabs' Poses of the calibration objects.
'alpha_caltabs', 'beta_caltabs', 'gamma_caltabs', 'transx_caltabs', 'transy_caltabs', 'transz_caltabs' Rotation angles and translation parameters of the relative poses of the calibration objects.
'cam_param1', 'cam_param2' All internal camera parameters of camera 1 and camera 2, respectively.
'focus1', 'magnification1', 'kappa1', 'poly_1', 'k1_1', 'k2_1', 'k3_1', 'poly_tan_2_1', 'image_plane_dist1', 'tilt1', 'cx1', 'cy1', 'sx1', 'sy1', 'focus2', 'magnification2', 'kappa2', 'poly_2', 'k1_2', 'k2_2', 'k3_2', 'poly_tan_2_2', 'image_plane_dist2', 'tilt2', 'cx2', 'cy2', 'sx2', 'sy2' Individual internal camera parameters of camera 1 and camera 2, respectively.

In addition, parameters can be excluded from estimation by using the prefix ~. For example, the values ['pose_rel', '~transx_rel']["pose_rel", "~transx_rel"]["pose_rel", "~transx_rel"]["pose_rel", "~transx_rel"]["pose_rel", "~transx_rel"] have the same effect as ['alpha_rel','beta_rel','gamma_rel','transy_rel','transz_rel']["alpha_rel","beta_rel","gamma_rel","transy_rel","transz_rel"]["alpha_rel","beta_rel","gamma_rel","transy_rel","transz_rel"]["alpha_rel","beta_rel","gamma_rel","transy_rel","transz_rel"]["alpha_rel","beta_rel","gamma_rel","transy_rel","transz_rel"]. On the other hand, ['all','~focus1']["all","~focus1"]["all","~focus1"]["all","~focus1"]["all","~focus1"] determines all internal and external parameters except the focus of camera 1, for instance. The prefix ~ can be used with all parameter values except 'all'.

The underlying camera model is explained in the description of the calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras operator. The calibrated internal camera parameters are returned in CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1camParam1 for camera 1 and in CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2camParam2 for camera 2. The external parameters are returned in RelPoseRelPoseRelPoseRelPoserelPose and specify the 3D transformation of points of CCS 2 into CCS 1. Note that according to the description of poses at create_posecreate_poseCreatePoseCreatePoseCreatePose one parameter is appended to the pose tuple at the last position to define the representation type of this pose.

Analogously to camera_calibrationcamera_calibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibration, the 3D transformation poses of the calibration model to the respective CCS are returned in NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1 and NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2. These transformations are related to RelPoseRelPoseRelPoseRelPoserelPose according to the following equation (neglecting differences due to the balancing effects of the multi image calibration):

 HomMat3D_NFinalPose2 = INV(HomMat3D_RelPose) * HomMat3D_NFinalPose1 ,
where HomMat3D_* denotes a homogeneous transformation matrix of the respective poses and INV() inverts a homogeneous matrix.

The computed average errors returned in ErrorsErrorsErrorsErrorserrors give an impression of the accuracy of the calibration. Using the determined camera parameters, they denote the average euclidean distance between the projection of the mark centers to their extracted image coordinates.

For cameras with telecentric lenses, additional conditions must be fulfilled for the setup. They can be found in the documentation of calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras.


Stereo setups that contain cameras with and without hypercentric lenses at the same time are not supported.

Execution Information


NXNXNXNXNX (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all X-coordinates of the calibration marks (in meters).

NYNYNYNYNY (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all Y-coordinates of the calibration marks (in meters).

Number of elements: NY == NX

NZNZNZNZNZ (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all Z-coordinates of the calibration marks (in meters).

Number of elements: NZ == NX

NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1NRow1 (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all row-coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of camera 1 (in pixels).

NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1NCol1 (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all column-coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of camera 1 (in pixels).

Number of elements: NCol1 == NRow1

NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2NRow2 (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all row-coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of camera 2 (in pixels).

Number of elements: NRow2 == NRow1

NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2NCol2 (input_control)  number-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered Tuple with all column-coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of camera 2 (in pixels).

Number of elements: NCol2 == NRow1

StartCamParam1StartCamParam1StartCamParam1StartCamParam1startCamParam1 (input_control)  campar HCamPar, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)

Initial values for the internal parameters of camera 1.

StartCamParam2StartCamParam2StartCamParam2StartCamParam2startCamParam2 (input_control)  campar HCamPar, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)

Initial values for the internal parameters of camera 2.

NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1NStartPose1 (input_control)  pose(-array) HPose, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered tuple with all initial values for the poses of the calibration model in relation to camera 1.

Number of elements: NStartPose1 == 7 * NRow1 / NX

NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2NStartPose2 (input_control)  pose(-array) HPose, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered tuple with all initial values for the poses of the calibration model in relation to camera 2.

Number of elements: NStartPose2 == 7 * NRow1 / NX

EstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsEstimateParamsestimateParams (input_control)  string-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Camera parameters to be estimated.

Default value: 'all' "all" "all" "all" "all"

List of values: 'all'"all""all""all""all", 'alpha_caltabs'"alpha_caltabs""alpha_caltabs""alpha_caltabs""alpha_caltabs", 'alpha_rel'"alpha_rel""alpha_rel""alpha_rel""alpha_rel", 'beta_caltabs'"beta_caltabs""beta_caltabs""beta_caltabs""beta_caltabs", 'beta_rel'"beta_rel""beta_rel""beta_rel""beta_rel", 'cam_param1'"cam_param1""cam_param1""cam_param1""cam_param1", 'cam_param2'"cam_param2""cam_param2""cam_param2""cam_param2", 'cx1'"cx1""cx1""cx1""cx1", 'cx2'"cx2""cx2""cx2""cx2", 'cy1'"cy1""cy1""cy1""cy1", 'cy2'"cy2""cy2""cy2""cy2", 'focus1'"focus1""focus1""focus1""focus1", 'focus2'"focus2""focus2""focus2""focus2", 'gamma_caltabs'"gamma_caltabs""gamma_caltabs""gamma_caltabs""gamma_caltabs", 'gamma_rel'"gamma_rel""gamma_rel""gamma_rel""gamma_rel", 'image_plane_dist1'"image_plane_dist1""image_plane_dist1""image_plane_dist1""image_plane_dist1", 'image_plane_dist2'"image_plane_dist2""image_plane_dist2""image_plane_dist2""image_plane_dist2", 'k1_1'"k1_1""k1_1""k1_1""k1_1", 'k1_2'"k1_2""k1_2""k1_2""k1_2", 'k2_1'"k2_1""k2_1""k2_1""k2_1", 'k2_2'"k2_2""k2_2""k2_2""k2_2", 'k3_1'"k3_1""k3_1""k3_1""k3_1", 'k3_2'"k3_2""k3_2""k3_2""k3_2", 'kappa1'"kappa1""kappa1""kappa1""kappa1", 'kappa2'"kappa2""kappa2""kappa2""kappa2", 'magnification1'"magnification1""magnification1""magnification1""magnification1", 'magnification2'"magnification2""magnification2""magnification2""magnification2", 'poly_1'"poly_1""poly_1""poly_1""poly_1", 'poly_2'"poly_2""poly_2""poly_2""poly_2", 'poly_tan_2_1'"poly_tan_2_1""poly_tan_2_1""poly_tan_2_1""poly_tan_2_1", 'poly_tan_2_2'"poly_tan_2_2""poly_tan_2_2""poly_tan_2_2""poly_tan_2_2", 'pose'"pose""pose""pose""pose", 'pose_caltabs'"pose_caltabs""pose_caltabs""pose_caltabs""pose_caltabs", 'pose_rel'"pose_rel""pose_rel""pose_rel""pose_rel", 'sx1'"sx1""sx1""sx1""sx1", 'sx2'"sx2""sx2""sx2""sx2", 'sy1'"sy1""sy1""sy1""sy1", 'sy2'"sy2""sy2""sy2""sy2", 'tilt1'"tilt1""tilt1""tilt1""tilt1", 'tilt2'"tilt2""tilt2""tilt2""tilt2", 'transx_caltabs'"transx_caltabs""transx_caltabs""transx_caltabs""transx_caltabs", 'transx_rel'"transx_rel""transx_rel""transx_rel""transx_rel", 'transy_caltabs'"transy_caltabs""transy_caltabs""transy_caltabs""transy_caltabs", 'transy_rel'"transy_rel""transy_rel""transy_rel""transy_rel", 'transz_caltabs'"transz_caltabs""transz_caltabs""transz_caltabs""transz_caltabs", 'transz_rel'"transz_rel""transz_rel""transz_rel""transz_rel"

CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1CamParam1camParam1 (output_control)  campar HCamPar, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)

Internal parameters of camera 1.

CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2CamParam2camParam2 (output_control)  campar HCamPar, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)

Internal parameters of camera 2.

NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1NFinalPose1 (output_control)  pose(-array) HPose, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered tuple with all poses of the calibration model in relation to camera 1.

Number of elements: NFinalPose1 == 7 * NRow1 / NX

NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2NFinalPose2 (output_control)  pose(-array) HPose, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Ordered tuple with all poses of the calibration model in relation to camera 2.

Number of elements: NFinalPose2 == 7 * NRow1 / NX

RelPoseRelPoseRelPoseRelPoserelPose (output_control)  pose HPose, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Pose of camera 2 in relation to camera 1.

ErrorsErrorsErrorsErrorserrors (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Average error distances in pixels.

Example (HDevelop)

* Open image source.
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_l.seq', 'default', 0, -1, AcqHandle1)
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_r.seq', 'default', 1, -1, AcqHandle2)

* Initialize the start parameters.
caltab_points ('caltab_30mm.descr', X, Y, Z)
StartCamParam1 := ['area_scan_division', 0.0125, 0, 7.4e-6, 7.4e-6, \
                   Width/2.0, Height/2.0, Width, Height]
StartCamParam2 := StartCamParam1
Rows1 := []
Cols1 := []
StartPoses1 := []
Rows2 := []
Cols2 := []
StartPoses2 := []

* Find calibration marks and startposes.
for i := 0 to 11 by 1
  grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
  grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
  find_caltab (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_caltab (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_marks_and_pose (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam1, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord1, CCoord1, StartPose1)
  Rows1 := [Rows1,RCoord1]
  Cols1 := [Cols1,CCoord1]
  StartPoses1 := [StartPoses1,StartPose1]
  find_marks_and_pose (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam2, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord2, CCoord2, StartPose2)
  Rows2 := [Rows2,RCoord2]
  Cols2 := [Cols2,CCoord2]
  StartPoses2 := [StartPoses2,StartPose2]

* Calibrate the stereo rig.
binocular_calibration (X, Y, Z, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, StartCamParam1, \
                       StartCamParam2, StartPoses1, StartPoses2, 'all', \
                       CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, \
                       RelPose, Errors)
* Archive the results.
write_cam_par (CamParam1, 'cam_left-125.dat')
write_cam_par (CamParam2, 'cam_right-125.dat')
write_pose (RelPose, 'rel_pose.dat')

* Rectify the stereo images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
                                 RelPose, 1, 'geometric', 'bilinear', \
                                 CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
                                 CamPoseRect1, CamPoseRect2, \
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageMapped1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageMapped2)

Example (HDevelop)

* Open image source.
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_l.seq', 'default', 0, -1, AcqHandle1)
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_r.seq', 'default', 1, -1, AcqHandle2)

* Initialize the start parameters.
caltab_points ('caltab_30mm.descr', X, Y, Z)
StartCamParam1 := ['area_scan_division', 0.0125, 0, 7.4e-6, 7.4e-6, \
                   Width/2.0, Height/2.0, Width, Height]
StartCamParam2 := StartCamParam1
Rows1 := []
Cols1 := []
StartPoses1 := []
Rows2 := []
Cols2 := []
StartPoses2 := []

* Find calibration marks and startposes.
for i := 0 to 11 by 1
  grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
  grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
  find_caltab (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_caltab (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_marks_and_pose (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam1, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord1, CCoord1, StartPose1)
  Rows1 := [Rows1,RCoord1]
  Cols1 := [Cols1,CCoord1]
  StartPoses1 := [StartPoses1,StartPose1]
  find_marks_and_pose (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam2, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord2, CCoord2, StartPose2)
  Rows2 := [Rows2,RCoord2]
  Cols2 := [Cols2,CCoord2]
  StartPoses2 := [StartPoses2,StartPose2]

* Calibrate the stereo rig.
binocular_calibration (X, Y, Z, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, StartCamParam1, \
                       StartCamParam2, StartPoses1, StartPoses2, 'all', \
                       CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, \
                       RelPose, Errors)
* Archive the results.
write_cam_par (CamParam1, 'cam_left-125.dat')
write_cam_par (CamParam2, 'cam_right-125.dat')
write_pose (RelPose, 'rel_pose.dat')

* Rectify the stereo images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
                                 RelPose, 1, 'geometric', 'bilinear', \
                                 CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
                                 CamPoseRect1, CamPoseRect2, \
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageMapped1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageMapped2)

Example (HDevelop)

* Open image source.
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_l.seq', 'default', 0, -1, AcqHandle1)
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_r.seq', 'default', 1, -1, AcqHandle2)

* Initialize the start parameters.
caltab_points ('caltab_30mm.descr', X, Y, Z)
StartCamParam1 := ['area_scan_division', 0.0125, 0, 7.4e-6, 7.4e-6, \
                   Width/2.0, Height/2.0, Width, Height]
StartCamParam2 := StartCamParam1
Rows1 := []
Cols1 := []
StartPoses1 := []
Rows2 := []
Cols2 := []
StartPoses2 := []

* Find calibration marks and startposes.
for i := 0 to 11 by 1
  grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
  grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
  find_caltab (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_caltab (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_marks_and_pose (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam1, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord1, CCoord1, StartPose1)
  Rows1 := [Rows1,RCoord1]
  Cols1 := [Cols1,CCoord1]
  StartPoses1 := [StartPoses1,StartPose1]
  find_marks_and_pose (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam2, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord2, CCoord2, StartPose2)
  Rows2 := [Rows2,RCoord2]
  Cols2 := [Cols2,CCoord2]
  StartPoses2 := [StartPoses2,StartPose2]

* Calibrate the stereo rig.
binocular_calibration (X, Y, Z, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, StartCamParam1, \
                       StartCamParam2, StartPoses1, StartPoses2, 'all', \
                       CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, \
                       RelPose, Errors)
* Archive the results.
write_cam_par (CamParam1, 'cam_left-125.dat')
write_cam_par (CamParam2, 'cam_right-125.dat')
write_pose (RelPose, 'rel_pose.dat')

* Rectify the stereo images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
                                 RelPose, 1, 'geometric', 'bilinear', \
                                 CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
                                 CamPoseRect1, CamPoseRect2, \
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageMapped1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageMapped2)

Example (HDevelop)

* Open image source.
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_l.seq', 'default', 0, -1, AcqHandle1)
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_r.seq', 'default', 1, -1, AcqHandle2)

* Initialize the start parameters.
caltab_points ('caltab_30mm.descr', X, Y, Z)
StartCamParam1 := ['area_scan_division', 0.0125, 0, 7.4e-6, 7.4e-6, \
                   Width/2.0, Height/2.0, Width, Height]
StartCamParam2 := StartCamParam1
Rows1 := []
Cols1 := []
StartPoses1 := []
Rows2 := []
Cols2 := []
StartPoses2 := []

* Find calibration marks and startposes.
for i := 0 to 11 by 1
  grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
  grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
  find_caltab (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_caltab (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_marks_and_pose (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam1, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord1, CCoord1, StartPose1)
  Rows1 := [Rows1,RCoord1]
  Cols1 := [Cols1,CCoord1]
  StartPoses1 := [StartPoses1,StartPose1]
  find_marks_and_pose (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam2, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord2, CCoord2, StartPose2)
  Rows2 := [Rows2,RCoord2]
  Cols2 := [Cols2,CCoord2]
  StartPoses2 := [StartPoses2,StartPose2]

* Calibrate the stereo rig.
binocular_calibration (X, Y, Z, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, StartCamParam1, \
                       StartCamParam2, StartPoses1, StartPoses2, 'all', \
                       CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, \
                       RelPose, Errors)
* Archive the results.
write_cam_par (CamParam1, 'cam_left-125.dat')
write_cam_par (CamParam2, 'cam_right-125.dat')
write_pose (RelPose, 'rel_pose.dat')

* Rectify the stereo images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
                                 RelPose, 1, 'geometric', 'bilinear', \
                                 CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
                                 CamPoseRect1, CamPoseRect2, \
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageMapped1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageMapped2)

Example (HDevelop)

* Open image source.
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_l.seq', 'default', 0, -1, AcqHandle1)
open_framegrabber ('File', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, \
                   'default', 'images_r.seq', 'default', 1, -1, AcqHandle2)

* Initialize the start parameters.
caltab_points ('caltab_30mm.descr', X, Y, Z)
StartCamParam1 := ['area_scan_division', 0.0125, 0, 7.4e-6, 7.4e-6, \
                   Width/2.0, Height/2.0, Width, Height]
StartCamParam2 := StartCamParam1
Rows1 := []
Cols1 := []
StartPoses1 := []
Rows2 := []
Cols2 := []
StartPoses2 := []

* Find calibration marks and startposes.
for i := 0 to 11 by 1
  grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
  grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
  find_caltab (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_caltab (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', 3, 120, 5)
  find_marks_and_pose (Image1, CalPlate1, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam1, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord1, CCoord1, StartPose1)
  Rows1 := [Rows1,RCoord1]
  Cols1 := [Cols1,CCoord1]
  StartPoses1 := [StartPoses1,StartPose1]
  find_marks_and_pose (Image2, CalPlate2, 'caltab_30mm.descr', \
                       StartCamParam2, 128, 10, 20, 0.7, 5, 100, \
                       RCoord2, CCoord2, StartPose2)
  Rows2 := [Rows2,RCoord2]
  Cols2 := [Cols2,CCoord2]
  StartPoses2 := [StartPoses2,StartPose2]

* Calibrate the stereo rig.
binocular_calibration (X, Y, Z, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, StartCamParam1, \
                       StartCamParam2, StartPoses1, StartPoses2, 'all', \
                       CamParam1, CamParam2, NFinalPose1, NFinalPose2, \
                       RelPose, Errors)
* Archive the results.
write_cam_par (CamParam1, 'cam_left-125.dat')
write_cam_par (CamParam2, 'cam_right-125.dat')
write_pose (RelPose, 'rel_pose.dat')

* Rectify the stereo images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
                                 RelPose, 1, 'geometric', 'bilinear', \
                                 CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
                                 CamPoseRect1, CamPoseRect2, \
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageMapped1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageMapped2)


binocular_calibrationbinocular_calibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibrationBinocularCalibration returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter values are correct and the desired parameters have been determined by the minimization algorithm. If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

find_marks_and_posefind_marks_and_poseFindMarksAndPoseFindMarksAndPoseFindMarksAndPose, caltab_pointscaltab_pointsCaltabPointsCaltabPointsCaltabPoints, read_cam_parread_cam_parReadCamParReadCamParReadCamPar

Possible Successors

write_posewrite_poseWritePoseWritePoseWritePose, write_cam_parwrite_cam_parWriteCamParWriteCamParWriteCamPar, pose_to_hom_mat3dpose_to_hom_mat3dPoseToHomMat3dPoseToHomMat3dPoseToHomMat3d, disp_caltabdisp_caltabDispCaltabDispCaltabDispCaltab, gen_binocular_rectification_mapgen_binocular_rectification_mapGenBinocularRectificationMapGenBinocularRectificationMapGenBinocularRectificationMap

See also

find_caltabfind_caltabFindCaltabFindCaltabFindCaltab, sim_caltabsim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltabSimCaltab, read_cam_parread_cam_parReadCamParReadCamParReadCamPar, create_posecreate_poseCreatePoseCreatePoseCreatePose, convert_pose_typeconvert_pose_typeConvertPoseTypeConvertPoseTypeConvertPoseType, read_poseread_poseReadPoseReadPoseReadPose, hom_mat3d_to_posehom_mat3d_to_poseHomMat3dToPoseHomMat3dToPoseHomMat3dToPose, create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab, binocular_disparitybinocular_disparityBinocularDisparityBinocularDisparityBinocularDisparity, binocular_distancebinocular_distanceBinocularDistanceBinocularDistanceBinocularDistance


3D Metrology

ClassesClasses | | Operators