disparity_image_to_xyzT_disparity_image_to_xyzDisparityImageToXyzDisparityImageToXyz — Transform a disparity image into 3D points in a rectified stereo
void DisparityImageToXyz(const HObject& Disparity, HObject* X, HObject* Y, HObject* Z, const HTuple& CamParamRect1, const HTuple& CamParamRect2, const HTuple& RelPoseRect)
HImage HImage::DisparityImageToXyz(HImage* Y, HImage* Z, const HCamPar& CamParamRect1, const HCamPar& CamParamRect2, const HPose& RelPoseRect) const
HImage HCamPar::DisparityImageToXyz(const HImage& Disparity, HImage* Y, HImage* Z, const HCamPar& CamParamRect2, const HPose& RelPoseRect) const
HImage HPose::DisparityImageToXyz(const HImage& Disparity, HImage* Y, HImage* Z, const HCamPar& CamParamRect1, const HCamPar& CamParamRect2) const
static void HOperatorSet.DisparityImageToXyz(HObject disparity, out HObject x, out HObject y, out HObject z, HTuple camParamRect1, HTuple camParamRect2, HTuple relPoseRect)
HImage HImage.DisparityImageToXyz(out HImage y, out HImage z, HCamPar camParamRect1, HCamPar camParamRect2, HPose relPoseRect)
HImage HCamPar.DisparityImageToXyz(HImage disparity, out HImage y, out HImage z, HCamPar camParamRect2, HPose relPoseRect)
HImage HPose.DisparityImageToXyz(HImage disparity, out HImage y, out HImage z, HCamPar camParamRect1, HCamPar camParamRect2)
Given the disparity image DisparityDisparityDisparityDisparitydisparity of a rectified
binocular stereo system, disparity_image_to_xyzdisparity_image_to_xyzDisparityImageToXyzDisparityImageToXyzDisparityImageToXyz computes the
corresponding 3D points. Their coordinates relative to the rectified
camera 1 are stored as gray values in the images XXXXx,
YYYYy, and ZZZZz, i.e., the pixels at the position
(Row,Column) in XXXXx, YYYYy, and ZZZZz contain the
x, y, and z coordinate, respectively, of the pixel (Row,Column) in
the disparity image.
The rectified binocular camera system is specified by its internal
camera parameters CamParamRect1CamParamRect1CamParamRect1CamParamRect1camParamRect1 of the rectified camera 1
and CamParamRect2CamParamRect2CamParamRect2CamParamRect2camParamRect2 of the rectified camera 2, and the
external parameters RelPoseRectRelPoseRectRelPoseRectRelPoseRectrelPoseRect defining the pose of the
rectified camera 2 in relation to the rectified camera 1. These
camera parameters can be obtained from the operators
calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras and
Stereo setups that contain cameras with and without hypercentric
lenses at the same time are not supported.
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Automatically parallelized on tuple level.
- Automatically parallelized on domain level.
XXXXx (output_object) singlechannelimage(-array) → objectHImageHImageHobject * (real)
X coordinates of the points in the rectified camera
system 1.
YYYYy (output_object) singlechannelimage(-array) → objectHImageHImageHobject * (real)
Y coordinates of the points in the rectified camera
system 1.
ZZZZz (output_object) singlechannelimage(-array) → objectHImageHImageHobject * (real)
Z coordinates of the points in the rectified camera
system 1.
Internal camera parameters of the rectified camera 1.
Internal camera parameters of the rectified camera 2.
Pose of the rectified camera 2 in relation to the
rectified camera 1.
Number of elements: 7
disparity_image_to_xyz (ImageDisparity, ImgX, ImgY, ImgZ, RectCamParL, \
RectCamParR, RectLPosRectR)
get_region_points (ImageDisparity, Rows, Columns)
get_grayval (ImgX, Rows, Columns, XValues)
get_grayval (ImgY, Rows, Columns, YValues)
get_grayval (ImgZ, Rows, Columns, ZValues)
The operator disparity_image_to_xyzdisparity_image_to_xyzDisparityImageToXyzDisparityImageToXyzDisparityImageToXyz returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE)
if the input is not empty. The behavior in case of empty input (no
input image available) is set via the operator
set_system('no_object_result',<Result>)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>). The behavior in
case of empty region (the region is the empty set) is set via
set_system('empty_region_result',<Result>)set_system("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>). If necessary an
exception is raised.
3D Metrology