rel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixT_rel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrix — Compute the fundamental matrix from the relative orientation of two
Cameras including lens distortions can be modeled by the following
set of parameters: the focal length f, two scaling factors
, the coordinates of the principal point
and the distortion coefficient
. For a more detailed description see the
operator calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras. Only cameras with a distortion
coefficient equal to zero project straight lines in the world onto
straight lines in the image. This is also true for telecentric
cameras and for cameras with tilt lenses.
rel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixrel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrix handles telecentric lenses
and tilt lenses correctly. However, for reasons of simplicity, these
lens types are ignored in the formulas below. If the distortion
coefficient is equal to zero, image projection is a linear mapping
and the camera, i.e., the set of internal parameters, can be
described by the camera matrix CamMat:
The conversion operator rel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixrel_pose_to_fundamental_matrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrixRelPoseToFundamentalMatrix is
used especially for a subsequent visualization of the epipolar line
structure via the fundamental matrix, which depicts the underlying
stereo geometry.