Operators |
remove_calib_data — Remove a data set from a calibration data model.
remove_calib_data( : : CalibDataID, ItemType, ItemIdx : )
The operator remove_calib_data , removes data from the calibration data model CalibDataID. Currently, only the hand-eye calibration data set can be altered. With ItemType='tool' , you can remove the pose of the robot tool (in robot base coordinates), which was used to obtain the observation of the pose of the calibration object with the same index ItemIdx (corresponds to the parameter CalibObjPoseIdx of any of the operators find_calib_object, set_calib_data_observ_pose, or set_calib_data_observ_pose). Note, that the corresponding observation of the calibration object with the same index ItemIdx that was previously set in the model also has to be removed. Otherwise, the operator calibrate_hand_eye will report an error.
This operator modifies the state of the following input parameter:
The value of this parameter may not be shared across multiple threads without external synchronization.Handle of a calibration data model.
Type of the calibration data item.
Default value: 'tool'
List of values: 'tool'
Index of the affected item.
Default value: 0
Suggested values: 0, 1, 2
set_calib_data, remove_calib_data_observ
Operators |